
VIP PR Champagne 🍾 Confidence Club

VIP PR Champagne 🍾 Confidence Club

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Question 1 of 13

Tell me about your biz in 1-2 sentences

Question 2 of 13

Tell me about your mission and vision - why you do what you do 1-2 sentences

Question 3 of 13

Tell me about you in 1-2 sentences

Question 4 of 13

What is your purpose? What gets you up in the morning?

Question 5 of 13

What do your audience LOVE about you? And when you post on socials or on your podcast platforms etc - what are the most viewed and interacted with topics that you share? ADD 3 please

Question 6 of 13

What is your goal with PR?

Question 7 of 13

Where do you wanna be seen & heard? LIST - Papers? Online Blogs? TV? Radio? ETC IF ANYTHING WAS POSSIBLE

Question 8 of 13

What do you wanna learn?

Question 9 of 13

Who do you wanna collab with?

Question 10 of 13

What do you wanna be known and famous for if we googled your name?

Question 11 of 13

Add anything else you think we would wanna know

Question 12 of 13

ADD your insta handle & website etc

Question 13 of 13

Finally the investment is approx $1000-$1500 per month


Will pay in full


I need a payment plan option please (its usually 4 x weekly payments)


I dont have the funds right now

Confirm and Submit